中山市位于珠江三角洲中南部,珠江口西岸,总面积1800平方公里,常住人口321万,直辖25个镇区。Zhongshan is located in the mid-south of Pearl River Delta region, on the west bank of the Pearl River. Zhongshan covers an area of 1800 square kilometers with a population of 3.21 million, and 25 townships and districts. 中山以全省1%的土地、3%的人口,连续多年创造了位居全省前列的经济总量。With 1% of the total land area of Guangdong province and 3% of the total population, Zhongshan has been among the best in the province in terms of economic aggregate for years.中国社科院发布的《2012年中国城市竞争力报告》显示,中山市社会环境和创新环境两项指标进入全国前十,特别是社会环境竞争力内地排名第一,中山市民的幸福指数连续两年居全省之首。According to the “2012 Annual Report on Urban Competitiveness of China” published by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhongshan is among the top 10 in terms of social environment and innovation environment, with social environment ranking first in the mainland of China. And the Happiness Index in Zhongshan has been the highest in the province for two consecutive years.
翠亨新区是以孙中山先生出生地翠亨村命名的。Cuiheng New District is named after Cuiheng Village, the home village of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. 2011年,我市提出建设翠亨新区作为中山未来发展战略平台的设想。In 2011, Zhongshan, Guangdong proposed the plan to establish Cuiheng New District as the strategic platform for the future development of Zhongshan. 2013年3月,翠亨新区挂牌成立。In March, 2013, Zhongshan Cuiheng New District was formally established.
薛书记头衔Party Secretary of CPC Zhongshan Committee 翠亨新区Cuiheng New District 翠亨快线Cuiheng Expressway 深中通道Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge 中瑞(欧)工业园Zhongshan-Swiss (European) Industrial Park